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A Bigger World

A Bigger World (Un Monde Plus Grand)

Date & Time: Saturday September 4th / 8.30pm

Location: The Gate Cinema

Details: Fabienne Berthaud / France, Belgium / 2019 / 100 mins

Starring: Cécile de France, Narantsetseg Dash, Ludivine Sagnier

Premiere: Irish Premiere

Synopsis: Cécile de France gives a breathtaking performance based on the true story of a musicologist who travels to Mongolia and discovers her shamanic powers. To overcome the death of Paul, the love of her life, Corine leaves Paris for a few weeks to work in Mongolia. But her meeting with the shaman Oyun upends her plans, as Oyun proclaims that Corine has received a rare gift. Back in France, she cannot refuse what is now seems her destiny. She must go back to Mongolia to begin her initiation, and discover a bigger world. Beautifully shot in both Paris and the Mongolian Steppes the film is based on the book by Corine Sombrun, Mon Initiation Chez les Chamanes.

“Carried by an excellent performance from Cécile de France, the film fully leverages the spectacular landscapes of Mongolia and the fascinating trance sequences, shrouding its story in a well-balanced cover between ethnographic immersion and classical cinematic narrative.” – Cineuropa.